From Now On | Supertramp |

From Now On

Testo From Now On

Monday has come around again
I‘m in the same old place
With the same old faces always watching me
Who knows how long I‘ll have to stay
Could be a hundred years
Of sweat and tears
At the rate that I get paid

Sometimes I slowly drift away
From all the dull routine
That‘s with me every day
A fantasy will come to me
Diamonds are what I really need
Think I‘ll rob a store, escape the law
And live in Italy

Lately my luck has been so bad
You know the roulette wheel‘s
A crooked deal
I‘m loosing all I had

Soon be like a man that‘s on the run
And live from day to day
Never needing anyone
Play hide and seek
Throughout the week

My life is full of romance

Guess I‘ll always have to be
Living in a fantasy
That‘s the way it‘s got to be
From now on
You think I‘m crazy I can see
It‘s you for you, and me for me
Living in a fantasy
From now on

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